Success Starts Here

Join the College of Engineering for exciting welcome activities during the first month of school.  

Make new friends, connect with student clubs and organizations, bond with college faculty and staff, learn about UA resources and get pumped for an awesome year!

Week of Welcome

Dean's BBQ

Friday, Aug. 23, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
UA Mall
Come kick off the new school year with Dean Hahn and the engineering college's faculty and staff as part of your required Destination Arizona programming. Have lunch, get to know your new ENGRCat family, pick up your class t-shirt, and learn a few new things about your college and your student experience. Registration is required for you and any guests. You and your family are invited – learn more through your Destination AZ Poral.  Welcome home!

Start of Classes

Monday, Aug. 26

Honors Reception

Wednesday, Aug. 28, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Honors Village, Rm 1067/1068
College of Engineering Franke Honors students can mix with faculty and staff at a light evening reception to learn about ways to get involved with the Honors Engineering Program. RSVP Required.

Women in Engineering Luncheon

Friday, Aug. 30, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Student Union South Ballroom
Come meet current students, staff and faculty who will be a part of your ENGRCommunity from the very start. Talk to students who are already in clubs you might love, have lunch with new friends and put together a fun mini-Lego project.
Seats are limited, RSVP required.

THINK TANK Ice Cream Social

Tuesday, Sept. 3, 12:30 to 3 p.m.
Barlett Academic Success Center, 2nd Floor
Come enjoy a cold treat and see how UA THINK TANK can help you study smarter and master the skills to become a successful lifelong learner. RSVP required.

Engineering Club Showcase Fair

Tuesday, Sept. 10 and Thursday, Sept. 12, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Bear Down Gym
Don’t miss this meet and greet. Representatives from all 40+ UA Engineering clubs and organizations will be there ready to meet you. Now is the time to find out how to get involved and set yourself apart.

MATH 122A Brunch

Saturday, Sept. 14, noon to 1:30 p.m.
Old Engineering Courtyard
After you finish your MATH 122A final, come have brunch with the college and celebrate your academic achievement. RSVP Required.

Engineering 'Meet Your Major' Fair

Tuesday, Sept. 17 and Thursday, Sept. 19, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Bear Down Gym
Talk with degree-specific advisors from programs across the college and explore the wide variety of degree options available to you. Whether you already know what kind of engineer you want to be or you're still exploring several exciting options, this is the time to have those conversations about the next step.

More Stuff to Do

Check out for a full lineup of activities on campus.



Please email Claudia Arias at

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